When I cook I usually don't measure. So now that my babies are all grown up, I started to cook all their favorite foods with measuring cups, spoons, pencil, and a notebook by my side, recording every step for future references.
Dinner table is that special place where all the family gathers to exchange events of the day, to share special moments, and to make important announcement. And if good home cooked food is served on that table, these gatherings become even more precious and memorable.
It is a wonder how ones mood changes with the weather. And today is sunny and warm and beautiful. Even the brownish grass in the lawn looks somewhat brighter! Lawn- that just remained me of an old quarrel between Marie and Frank (Everybody Loves Raymond): "Who invented the lawn?" LOL So, my mood is on its highest, just put into oven some cabbage loafs, made some salad with leftover steamed cabbage leaves (with tons of garlic!), and stirred my "sourdough mother"! The procedure started yesterday after I bookmarked and printed out the recipe @Stumptown Savoury. There are many many wonderful recipes on this site, please do check them out! You can find the recipe here. Can hardly wait until my "sourdough mother" is ready and I can start baking with it!!!
Another good thing elated me today: I got a Stylish Blogger Award from Elyse @The Cultural Dish! Thank you Elyse! If you follow this blog you are probably familiar with super elegant Valentine Profiteroles and Cake Balls. If not, what are you waiting for, click that links and indulge yourself in yumminess! Official thank is on My Awards page. Yesterday I mentioned my little computer helper, my youngest son. I wanted to glue his photo to the post but as he wasn't into it, I just let go. Anyhow, after he read all the flattering comment, he kind of said: "Oh well you can just put me on if you like!" So here he is. I took the pic this morning before his concert. He is playing cielo.