
Thursday, January 20, 2011


Something strange happened to me today that I decided to clean all my dinner wear. And the following is the only way I can explain why…..
Last nigh the cleaning fairy came to me and touched my forehead and said, “Darling, you shall clean all dinner wear tomorrow.” And so this morning I said to myself, “I am going to start my early spring cleaning. And for some strange reason I am going to clean all my dinner wear.”

But let us start with yesterday’s dinner. As usual I was buzzing all the beautiful recipes on FoodBuzz and I stumbled upon this interesting looking and sounding savory cake. So I checked it out, and decided and this is it! You know curiosity might have killed the cat, but that day it brought a wonderful dinner to our table. The recipe was posted by thatshowiroll. I didn’t have any Parmesan, savoy cabbage, or red onions on hand so I used sharp cheddar, cabbage, and yellow onions instead. My daughter snatched the a piece today to take to school. It was a successful hit between her friends and even some teachers. Here is a thumbs up for you my dear friend from all of them ^_^ You can find the recipe here.


Then the cleaning begun. Water, soap, and Clorox. Everything soaked for half an hour, rinsed, and then let to dry.

Unfortunately, the day didn’t go by without any mishaps! Yes, I broke something and yes, I am somewhat sad. I broke a tea cup and a tall glass.

While I was waiting for everything to dry out, I of course returned to FoodBuzz. You know what I found? Yes, you guessed it! I found a recipe. The prize goes to CitraKale  @Indonesian in Turkey and her Simple Bake Potato Cheese. And those turned out wonderful also. Some with cheese other without, because my husband for some strange reason doesn't eat melted cheese, except on pizza, of course! For the recipe click here.

Being  a member of FoodBuzz has widened my culinary knowledge. Because you connect with cooks all around the globe on a personal level; through reading their life experiences and daily activities all through sharing the food that they love. And in the end we all find out that every single person in this world shares a common connection: their simple love for food.

As far as for my early spring started snowing in the afternoon :(


  1. I agree with you, Foodbuzz is a great place :)
    And you have chosen great recipes :)

  2. I completely agree with you...ever since i joined foodbuzz, i have been introduced to so many new recipes and it is so much fun to try them out and enjoy different cultural meals.

    Your potato dish looks so savory!

  3. Well, you know, the glass and the tea cup took one for the team. The ultimate sacrifice for dinnerware.

    And that cake looks outstanding! Savory cake is so underrated ...

  4. Cakewhiz: Thank you :)
    Rich: Now I have an excuse to go SHOPPING!!!!!!

  5. Wow.. that looks so delish!

  6. I love foodbuzz..
    And I am sick of the snow and kids staying home:))) Great photos..I went today at Edwin Warner Park and had time of my life..Can you believe that I was playing in the snow like a kid:))
    Almost forgot..great recipe!!

  7. Foodbuzz is awesome! Sounds like you were pretty productive yesterday! Everything looks great!

  8. I love seeing bloggers feature each others recipes. Those both sound wonderful. Your substitutions in the cabbage dish certainly didn't hurt. Wow. Looks delicious.

  9. Thank you all for kind comments!

  10. I would love for a cleaning fairy to come and vacuum my carpet right now! LOL. Fun post :)

  11. Awesome cake! I'm glad you try it out, I knew it would be such a success. And I love to go around the dinnerware once in a while too. :)
