
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2,400- page new cookbook and my special Valentine

I just read an article on Personal Finance Yahoo page with a title: The Game- Changing Cookbook written by Katy McLaughlin that I simply had to share with all of you. As I already mentioned, the book is 2,400 pages long, it has six volumes which weigh 47 pounds, the collections costs $625, and it requires four pounds of ink to print. The book is going on sale next month.
Quote from the article: "Nathan Myhrvold's 2,400-page 'Modernist Cuisine' upends everything you thought you knew about cooking"
Quote from the article: "Among the book's revelations: Expensive pots and pans are a waste of money. Organic food is no healthier than non-organic. Black coffee cools off faster than coffee with cream."
There is a lot more about the book and few very interesting cooking problems with solutions in this article, too. So click the red link above and read some more! And no, I wasn't compensated in any way for blogging about the article, it was just so interesting that I wanted to share it with you.

And I had A very special Valentine yesterday- my 13-year old son. He is my computer helper: all the HTML's and setting the page is his work. Luv ya my boychek! I bake him three very special cookies and we enjoyed them together after he came home from school.


  1. I read this article yesterday on yahoo! Book sounds great but expensive! And those cookies look amazing, how lucky is your little helper!

  2. So nice of you to make cookies for your "computer helper." Can I borrow him? My "computer helper son" lives in Chicago, and is always busy working at his job, on computers.

  3. I just read about the book too. Seems techy interesting and the author is a genius, but I'm not sure if it's really going to rock the food world that much.
    On the other hand, your cookies look pretty in pink. Oh and you can say it's techy food too right, since you have your computer helper... ;)

  4. I should check this article too :) thanks for mentioning that Mateja!! Your computer helper is doing a great job!!! And the cookies are absolutely beautiful :)

  5. Sweet boy, lucky mom! :-) Interesting about the book set - can't afford it but will check it out anyway. Wonder if my local library has it yet?!

  6. wow that sounds like a really cool book. i'd be shocked if it was missing anything.

  7. Thank you everyone for the wonderful comments. Yes, the book sounds really interesting.
    WorldFlux: The price is really something that will take away from the book. Another reason I agree with you is that foodies like to learn from their mistakes and to discover things on their own.
    Ruby: The book has not yet come out. It might take a whole lot of time before they decide to put it in the library. But I am sort of hoping they will.

  8. Mateja, I am giving you a stylish blogger award! You can find it here:

  9. Those cookies are so nice. How'd you get the dough so snow white? I'm in the same boat as Becky, my computer son is in Indiana (near the Chicago side) and is busy with his job, wife and websites. He's been an excellent long distance tutor.

  10. Oh that is so sweet...lovely cookies!

    I'd love to get my hands on that cookbook. :)

  11. Mateja-Thanks for sharing about the extremely expensive set of books. It certainly is helpful with all those cooking tips, but most of those tips you can find online these days, and a lot of them we already know.
    You are so fortunate to have such a computer genius of a young for me, I am struggling to do all the stuff on my computer by myself. My son does not have the time to help me, but once in a while he does, and he's an adult son.
    Love the beautiful cookies you made for the two of you. What a sweet gesture!
    Glad you had a nice Valentine with your son! He sounds really sweet. You are so blessed!

  12. Beautiful cookies for your sweet (and helpful) boy! I use my kiddos for computer help, too...I think they're rolling their eyes when I'm not looking...LOL.

    I hadn't heard of this a price tag!!! Happy Wednesday, my friend!

  13. Wow! Those books are expensive!
    And your little helper is very lucky to have you baking him yummy cookies...hehe

  14. That book series sounds awesome! Just wish it wasn't so expensive! hehe

  15. Thank you everyone for the comments and hope you all had a Lovely and memorable Valentine.
    Medeja: They are just simple sugar cookies. You can find a recipe online. Just google "sugar cookie recipe".
    Sandra: The first batch browned too much. So I switched to a double bottom cookie sheet and lowered the temperature slightly.

  16. They look great Mateja :) waiting for the recipe ;)

  17. Cookies, my favorite. Thank you so much. They look so beautiful and tasty!
